Lookin' Fer Somethin'?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

In Which ProofCat Takes Care of Biznazz ("Dark Dawn" Playthrough, Part IV)

Y'know, I don't know whether to be disturbed or pleased with the fact that I am gradually liking Dark Dawn more and more as I continue playing. It's almost like they had different writers for the beginning of this game -- it REALLY seems that way.

Today's playthrough entailed me traveling from Passaj to Kaocho in the east, a very Asian-inspired village -- Chinese-esque, I think. It was a LITTLE creepy since the town was deserted, but apparently that was on account of the fact that the military had left to take over another city 'er somethin'. How nice of them!

I'm not complaining. I liked it better that way -- easier to loot people's houses.

Yeah, I've always loved that aspect of the Golden Sun series. You can just waltz into people's homes and swipe goods from their belongings, and nobody ever knows or complains about your doing so! I guess since you're a hero it justifies you robbing them blind?


Anyway, after I pillaged the town, I was forced to have an audience with the Emperor. Who is, quite frankly, quite a jerk. Everyone in the town (who's still there) are all, "Oh, Wo is so great! I LAHV HIM." And, well, he's an ass. He's all pouty because his militaristic BS wasn't selected to rule Sana (I guess that's the country? I get confused because ALL these places are brand new WTF) 'er somethin'. Instead a wise ruler is in his place and everyone seems to have a problem with it.

Yeah, I don't understand, either.

Some crazy lady in a short dress named Chalis (LOL) convinces the Emperor that I'm there to help him. Yeah, okay, good luck with that, woman. After it's apparent that I'm NOT there to do so (what a shocker) they drop me down a hole after telling me to help their army out at Ayuthay. HEY. PEOPLE. I JUST SAID I AIN'T HELPIN'. LISTEN TO ME.


After escaping the cave (which is apparently the maze that holds the Sol Mask I'm lookin' for) the party headed for Ayuthay to see what was happening.

And let me say, Ayuthay is pretty rad. As I told my friend False Start, "It's sort of like…a cross between Polynesian culture and Atlantis with a little India thrown in." The entire upper city seems like more or less a facade for the city located underneath that "palace." I mean, I know it's supposed to be where the citizens go when they're under siege (like how they are when you first arrive) but...there doesn't seem like anything truly city-esque about the above ground area. Sure, there's a big palace lookin' thing and a pretty lake, but that's about it.

I digress.

Below the city, there's this crazy hub of water, awesome stonework and cool glowy blue lantern balls...trust me, they're really neat. Here you come to warn the people of Ayuthay about the two nutball generals lurking outside their front door while trying to find the way inside. You meet Amiti, who I will from now on call "Prince Shirtless of the Supa Fine."

If there was concept art, I'd put it here. But sadly, as there is none of him missing his shirt, I will leave it up to your imagination (which could actually be quite terrifying, depending on who you are).

You have to apparently retrieve an artifact called the Insight Glass in order to find the Sol Mask in the maze, and the only person who seems able to use it is Amiti. So that means NEW PARTY MEMBER! YAY! So much more awesome than Chilly Velma!

Y'know, I think EVERYONE needs a nickname:

Matthew: Stoner Boy (since he's Venus-aligned and I make him do nothing but smile HAR)
Karis: Bluster Bitch
Tyrell: Flaming Moron
Rief: Chilly Velma
Amiti: Prince Shirtless of the Supa Fine

...Can you tell who I favor in this game yet?

Anywhoo, you retrieve the mask by using the "Arid Heat" Psynergy AKA Totally The "Parch" Psynergy from The Lost Age Why Do We Even Try Anymore. You were doing so well for a minute, Camelot!

After doing so, Amiti joins the party (after putting on a shirt NOOOOO) and you're all set for leaving the city...when those stupid generals attack you. OH COME ON. Upon dealing with Tweedle Twit and Tweedle Twat, you can continue back towards Kaocho where you can FINALLY POSSIBLY MAYBE GOD I HOPE SO get the stupid Sol Mask back.

And here is where I figured would be an excellent place to stop for the day. Nice clean break. Tomorrow y'all will be getting a SPECIAL BONUS post -- it'll be a tagteam LIVE commentary/review from False Start and myself about the movie Tales of Vesperia: The First Strike. And it's gonna totally rock. It'll be lots of hilarity, so stay tuned!

(Also, as a special, SPECIAL bonus, have two really funny videos of a hacked Golden Sun: The Lost Age. Seriously, check 'em out and AtriusV's other nonsense, too!)

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