My apologies for getting this intro post up so late, but lots has been going on in the real life of ProofCat. I've had to drive back and forth from Jupiter to Boca about 4 times over the past few days, and I'm working on reading four novels simultaneously for college as well as writing three essays for next week. And then today I volunteered at Quantum House with some friends for several hours. I AM TEH STRESS.
So, FINALLY, the Tales of Vesperia (ToV) playthrough has begun! :D Not gonna lie -- it was TOTALLY fun (even if Little Miss Squish kinda totally sucks at casting any spell besides First Aid).
Anyhoo, insults aside...
Hooray for pretty anime-style openings!
We started our playthrough this evening by admiring the hotness that is Yuri Lowell ('cause who doesn't love seeing a guy in an almost open shirt?)
I'm not going to detail every event of the game. Just major plot points will be covered and whatever funny crazy moments we want to include. There will be spoilers, so here is your warning.
During the beginning of the game, we are introduced to both Yuri and his faithful canine companion, Repede. And yes, the dog has only one eye, carries a pipe and fights with a dagger.

Your Fluffy is inferior.
Yuri more or less doesn't give a crap about anyone besides himself, but you see that's not true as more dialogue plays out. He doesn't give a crap about ANYTHING. Seriously, he must be the most apathetic protagonist in any RPG EVER. He gets the job done, but I really don't think he could care less about it all.
Either way, he gets arrested since he's the lousiest criminal EVER when it comes to breaking-and-entering. He kinda just stands there and lets himself get taken in. OUR HERO, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN.
After being reprimanded, Yuri breaks out of prison and we meet our damsel in distress: Estellise!

Or, as Yuri calls her, "Estelle." Though it takes her about 20 years to understand "Estelle" refers to her.
Estelle needs to get a message to Flynn Scifo, Yuri's blonde knight friend (that sounded a little sketch), and so she tags along with Yuri to the world outside the capital city -- he's hot on the trail of a blastia thief. (Blastia: see generic magical device that makes life awesome with it and suck without it.)
We also meet Karol, a really annoying young boy who masquerades as bravery incarnate who actually wets himself at the first sign of trouble. Though, this sets us up for one of the BEST lines in all of RPG history.
Note the magic that is Yuri's Karol imitation:
Little Miss Squish and I concluded our intro to ToV in Aspio after Rita the PMS (Pissy Mage Spectacular) joined the party. Next we play, we're off to investigate some ruins! OH JOY.
Stay tuned!
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